Volunteer Registration


Lowcountry Autism Foundation recognizes that some information requested in the Volunteer Registration Form may be of a sensitive nature. We request this information because of the responsibility that we have to protect the well-being and safety of all participants in our program, and to promote a safe environment for all participants, including volunteers.

Lowcountry Autism Foundation presently as a matter of policy directs all associates (volunteers) to maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained as part of the volunteer application process, and we will endeavor to keep all sensitive information confidential.

Should you have any questions concerning the volunteer application, or LAF confidentiality policy, please feel free to contact our Development Director at kat_bodkin@lafinc.org.


The purpose of Volunteer Code of Conduct is to ensure that clients and volunteers have a positive and constructive experience with the Lowcountry Autism Foundation, Inc.

As a LAF Volunteer...

  • I will fulfill the responsibilities of my volunteer assignments to the best of my abilities in accordance with the LAF vision and mission.

  • I will set a good example with a positive attitude

  • I will demonstrate integrity in everything I do

  • I am specifically granting permission to LAF to use my likeness, voice and words in media for the purpose of public awareness or communicating the purposes and activities of Lowcountry Autism Foundation, Inc.

The Volunteer Registration Form is required for membership
on a committee, but not for Day of Event volunteers.